Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Together We Can....redecorate my office

Massachusetts is known for having idiots for Governors. After all, we gave the world Mike Dukakis. We are currently giving you Mitt "Aren't I good looking? No, really, aren't I" Romney. So look out world, Deval Patrick, our current Governor, could be on his way. You're welcome. .....
and here's your first warning!

Democrat Deval's slogan when he was running was "Together we can". He was easily elected because nobody bothered to ask "Together we can.......what?"

Now we know. The answer is "redecorate his office".

He recently spent $27,000.00 of taxpayer money to redecorate his office in a basically bankrupt state that's a billion dollars short this year, $10,000.00 of which was for new damask drapes.

My God,Deval..... I can only imagine the horror of looking at your view of Boston Common through the old drapes. But to be fair, these were special damask drapes....made from damask of Zorro. Maybe that explains the cost!

He then had me buy him a new $47,000.00 top of the line Cadillac as his new state vehicle saying , so help me, that the heater in his Crown Victoria wasn't working.

He also arranged that we all get together and hire a scheduling assistant for his wife at $72,000.00 a year. Turns out she's a family friend , to boot. Mrs. Patrick, have you ever heard of Outlook? How about it yourself, like I do.

above...Concerned citizen submits scheduling idea for Mrs. Patrick that would save the state $71,990.00 this year alone.

After his record setting speed spending spree.....he did all this in his first six weeks in office.....the local press came down on him like a boot on a cockroach and he has agreed to pay for the redecorating and $538.00 a month for the Caddy out of his own pockets...which are quite deep, by the way. He's currently building a 24 room house in The Berkshires, our mountains in the west of the state.

He decided to do this after spending a weekend (for which I'm sure he charged us overtime) with his agency directors and asked them to cut spending to get rid of the billion dollar deficit.

He said, after conferring with his Secretary of Conscience, a Mr. Cricket, "I realize that in good conscience I cannot ask the agencies to make these choices without being willing to make them myself".

Deval, cut the shit. Who the hell do you think you are? How dare you compare cuts in state spending that affect the citzenry with your freaking office decor. The only reason you decided to pay for it yourself is because you find yourself in the middle of a negative media storm.

I have no respect for these political bullshit artists at all. I love the fact we have to stand when they enter the room and call them "The Honorable". Last I heard they work for us. They should stand when we walk in the room.....and stop spending my money on this crapola. I shouldn't have to tell you that....just ask any cricket!


Skizzi said...

I rarely steal anything in my first week of employment. In good conscience he should have waited a few months before ripping off the state of Mass.

Steve ("Klotz" As In "Blood") said...

You WASPs have absolutely no sense of style or propriety. The man is the new governor of a venerable state, which makes him impotent, so he needs to dress and accessorize impotent, too. Smile when you pick up the check, cretin.

Matty C said...

What the hell were you thinking moving to Mass anyway

Matty C said...

What the hell were you thinking moving to Mass anyway? The mass exodus over the border to NH has already started. I'm not sure what this guy has ever actually done other than take jobs that the Rainbow Coalition strong arms corporations into. Please...............