At Kennesaw State University in Georgia, their brand new 175 ton sculpture called "Spaceship Earth", a giant globe with a man walking on it, collapsed yesterday into rubble three months after it was unveiled.
This has to be more than coincidence since on the same day, The International Herald Tribune reported that "British climate scientists predicted yesterday that a resurgent El Nino climate trend combined with higher levels of greenhouse gases could make 2007 the hottest year on record and touch off a fresh round of ecological disasters.
Two weeks ago, a giant ice shelf fell out into the sea from the Arctic point where its been hanging doing nothing , like Bob Dole's pre-Viagra penis, for eons.
Australia's going through it's worst drought ever. British reports also state that the climate change worldwide could result in droughts creating hundreds of millions of refugees and costing nations 5-20% of their gross domestic product each year.
And here in Massachusetts today, on January 4th, it is 60 degrees Fahrenheit. I hate to look a gift horse in the mouth, but HELLLL-OOOO, am I the only one who sees a problem with this.
Refugees .........they'll be hundreds of thousands of them going skiing in Colorado vs. Vermont and New Hampshire. And while it's nice to keep the thermostat down in January, it also opens a whole new can of worms in that women will be bitching about how bad they look in their bathing suits starting right after Christmas. Lord help us! Who needs this
A Cardiff University professor said, " The debate in Europe is about what action needs to be taken while many in the US still debate whether climate change is happening".
Science, for those still thinking about whether climate change is for real , is a word that means "basing theory on rational facts" as opposed to basing it on Jesus' will or on the reason the ignorant may vote for you next election.
And in further science news, SCIENTISTS (people who are trained in science and know more than you do about their subject) now say that the giant moon of Saturn named Titan seems to be Earth like. A French astrophysicist says,"Indeed, as far as we know,there is only one planetary body that displays more dynamism than Titan. Its name is Earth."
Florida condo developers are already working out the purchase of that tip of land just left of center for a development called "Methane Lakes".
But TITAN may be in trouble too!
New giant orbiting telescopes have revealed that life on Titan is a complex society, ruled by a man named....... ......................................King Stupid the 43rd and he thinks "science" is a party where you sit around a table and talk to the dead.
I'm a man of action however, so I'm looking for the suntan lotion and beach umbrella and my hip boots, just in case that ice shelf decides to do its melting down here.
...does this mean I'll have to start cutting the grass year around?
"...women will be bitching about how bad they look in their bathing suits starting right after Christmas."
Speaking as a beach dwelling member of the South Florida Tanorexic Society, I assure you that Gnu Wingland women look bad in their bathing suits 12 months a year. Whether or not they begin whining about it at Xmas or July 4, they're year-round eyesores.
The photo of the planet you provide is actually 1 of 2 in the pair known as "Big Titan" and "Little Titan," referred to as Bigtit and Liltit. Bigtit's composition includes more silicone than Liltit's, and its orbit is more stable and controlled. First discovered by the Italian astronomer Sal Fluffya, the perfectly formed matched pair has fascinated one-handed sky scanners for generations.
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