Sunday, March 18, 2007

Stuck in Arizona... in a hotel made of stone-ah

First of all I apologise for the lack of blogs last week; a business trip pulled me away to Arizona ...and a snowstorm has kept me from returning to my kith and kin ...and even from my kin that don't kith me. I will be blogging on a normal schedule this week since I now have the time.
US Air /America West cancelled my Saturday morning flight back to Boston on Friday took me three hours to get them on the phone.....and the only seat back to New England was Tuesday at 3pm. They did tell me they could get me to either Charlotte or Pittsburgh on the plane above, but no closer to New England than that.

I asked the agent who helped me "What good would that do? How stupid ! What is your name?.

He answered "Ron Dumsfeld", and told me he had just started with the airline after losing his last position and reminded me , "You have to fly with the airline you have , not the airline you wish you had?". Can't argue with logic....and considering it's 85 and sunny, well, I could have been stuck in Fargo, ND. US Airways tried. I'm not mad.

So I am learning about Arizona from the daily Arizona Republic and if I'm reading it correctly , John McCain , their Senator, is about as well respected these days as Dick Cheney's target shooting aim.
Seems the former rebel McCain, the outsider, the free thinker has experienced some backlash since he decided to kiss Bush's ass for the last six years. Now the rebel, the outsider, the free thinker can't even speak out against US Attorney General Alberto VO-5's decision to fire those prosecutors, including the very popular and well respected Federal prosecutor for Arizona, Mr. Charlton.

McCain, shown preparing for next meeting with the President, commented , "You run for president with the brown nose you have, not the brown nose you wish you had!", and then probably got my seat back to New England on America West from Phoenix.

The Arizona Republic also reported today that three scuba divers drowned exploring a sunken wreck off the Florida Keys. The article said, "It is not immediately clear how the three , all from New Jersey, died, but they didn't have enough tanks,did not have a dive plan and did not have dive reels with them to show them the way off the wreck".

Hmm, my bet is that they died from drowning and stupidity.

Perhaps they should have vacationed out here in Arizona....where the closest ship to explore is the ship of the desert.Gets tougher and tougher for the Republicans in 2008 as their smartest voters keep dying off, doesn't it?