Mr. Smith seems to have forgotten the over 3,000 Americans killed in Iraq plus the over 24,000 Americans injured are Americans too. And it's about the 1400th day since "Mission Accomplished", which must be why we are 'surging' our troops. It's such a success

Mr. Smith's 'success' also is costing us trillions of dollars, trillions against we are mortgaging the future of our country. Our 27th generation of grandchildren should have the interest paid off by 3674 AD.
We don't have the money to pay for anything else, so don't be surprised when your federal subsidies dry up, like college loans, etc. Here's a tiny example:
Acdording to AP, there's a little known Federal subsidy that funnels millions of dollars to rural communities in the west, but it's ending .....and forcing Western US rural towns to close libraries, schools, reduce police forces and put off road repairs. Fifteen library branches in rural Jackson County ,OR alone will close. "We're building libraries in Iraq" says a library patron out there, "and we are not funding them in Jackson County".
Well, President Baboon never reads anyway, so he doesn't feel the pain. How many times can he renew "My Pet Goat".
In Alpine County ,California, if the subsidy ends, two of their six schools bite the bullet.
In Arizona's Greentree County, they will close a school for special education students.
Oregon's Harney County will cut its road crews , so snow plowing will be lessened. Judge Steve Grasty said, "The covered wagons used to say 'Oregon or Bust'. They were right. We're busted". Coos County, Oregon is laying off 38 folks in the Sheriff's department alone.
Here's to another Bush era economic success story.....