President Bush looked rather uncomfortable in white tie and tails as he hosted the White House dinner for the Queen. Instead of reading about US-British relations over the years, he prepared for wearing his fancy suit by watching "March of the Penguins" for the 4th time, still trying to grasp the story line.
His gift to the Queen of an egg which he personally delivered to her by waddling over while holding it on top of his feet really touched Her Majesty, as she turned to her Ambassador and said, "What a fucking idiot!".

Bush's entire cabinet, in order to learn more about how to act in white tie and tails also watched
Happy Feet, that delightful kids animated film about the penguins and global warming affecting their environment.
The film was delayed when Vice President Cheney threw his shoe at the screen screaming something about Al Gore ... and delayed again when he couldn't stop cheering for the illegal fishing boat ......and then again for the oil exploration team.Luckily the movie finished in time for the dinner where the Veep and the entire cabinet tap danced over to Prince Phillip, explaining to Phil that he was too stiff ........and to "
put a little fun in his life. Try dancing". Prince Phillip declined the invitation.
never one to give up, then asked him to go hunting! He declined that as well.

The night ended early when
Paul Wolfowitz asked the Queen out on a date promising her a better job........and Prince Phillip said to the Queen, "
Tell them the baby sitter called and lets get the 'ell out of here".