Friday, January 26, 2007

True Justice in Mississippi

The other day I wrote about the media hype concerning the two African American Super Bowl head coaches. Just overblown, racially pandering media hype, making something out of nothing over the fact that that two qualified men are facing off. but today's story is a really big deal indeed. because it's real life, not football!

James Ford Seale, a 71 year old Missippi white bastard AND former Ku Klux Klansman, was just arrested for his role in the murder and torture of two young Black men in his home state in 1964. The men were beaten with tree branches , weighted down and drowned alive....43 years ago!

At the time , the local sheriff said it was the worst case of suicide he 'done ever saw'.

Turns out Seale was living the whole time just seven miles down the road from where the kidnapping and murder took place. His family, lovely people I'm sure, said he was dead.

He was only found after the Feds re-opened the case in 2000 at the urging of the victim's brother, Thomas Moore, as well as a documentary film maker named David Ridgen and they're the ones who found him...recently!

2007 minus 2000...that's seven years. Quite the FBI we've got , huh! Hmmm, let's see... they missed the flight school memo in 2000 saying that Arab students are enrolled in flight schools, but only want to learn how to take off, not land..... and now this.

Where's Efrem Zimbalist Jr. when we need him?

Inspector Erskine, star of the old TV show THE FBI would have found him in less than an hour guaranteed !

Current FBI associate director of PR, Jordan Rivera said, "Don't blame us . We searched everywhere in a 6.99 mile radius of the crime".

But, from lemons, make lemonades, I always say!

SO HERE'S THE GOOD NEWS.....Mr. Seale was escorted in shackles into the Jackson , MS federal courthouse yesterday by two African American federal marshalls and stood in front of an African American female judge. Welcome to Mississippi , circa 2007, you son of a bitch!

I understand he was very polite to her too. Hopefully his new room mate will be a 6'8" lifer named Bubba who likes fresh meat...and I mean that with all compliments to Bubba. Its a great way for Mr. Seale to enjoy whats left of his golden years, as far as I'm concerned.

Welcome also to the real world!