In his first race in 1950 vs. incumbent Claude Pepper, Smathers went out to low intellect residents ( i.e., all of them) in Flori-DUH with this speech...and ,so help me , it's true as recorded by a small magazine back then, "Did you know that Claude Pepper is known around Washington as a shameless extrovert....he is known to practice nepotism with his sister in law and he has a sister who was once a thespian in wicked New York City. Worst of all, before his marraige, he practiced celibacy." Selected areas of low IQ residents of Florida shown below.
He wound up serving three terms in the Senate. During his time in office he opposed all sorts of civil rights legislation mostly because the Black people in the state were the only ones who knew the definitions of "extrovert,nepotism, thespian and celibacy" and he didn't want them to vote.
Agnew simply ran with the idea twenty years later to other low IQ areas of the country including...
In other big political news this past weekend, HILLARY CLINTON announced she's in the race. The MassPube warns you to be wary of her as rumor has it that she once was a practicing thespian in wicked New York City.
She wasn't the only one to leap into the fray this past weekend. Republican Senator Sam Brownback of Kansas is now in the race. His fellow Republican, George Allen (ex-Senator from Virginia) simply said "Brownback, eh. So another macaca is in the race besides Obama".
Brownback stated that he advocated " an end to cancer deaths in 10 years and a prominent role for God". Whoa, he's really taking a stand there. He's also against "shitting in public, blowing up tall American buildings and crabgrass on your lawn!
God (shown above), when asked what role He'd like to play in a future Brownback administration said, " Me Damnit! He said WHAT? The answer is none. Brownback is an asshole and take my word for it cause I'm God".