I met the Chicks once at a radio industry convention. They're genuinely nice ladies, really nice, but when Natalie Maines, their lead singer, said her piece about President Bush a couple of years ago, saying that she was embarassed to be from the same state the imbecile comes from, they were castigated for it. Their CD's were banned on "good ol' boy' country stations and Ms. Maines received death threats from the folks who just love America, but hate everything it's supposed to stand for like ,oh what's that thing called, of yeah, "Free Speech".
The Chicks won every category they were nominated in. Congrats, girls. The Chicks may have to speak out again.
See, we're now hearing that supposedly Iran is sending arms to Iraq. We've even got footage of it. They showed us holes in tanks on CNN and the military is convinced they're Iranian holes.

The military and this administration have been 100% wrong on every fact and every rationale , they've presented , as in "weapons of mass destruction" which, FYI, weren't there ....and that this war was a "slam dunk".
I'd be a tidge careful in order that , speaking of music, "we won't get fooled again"
I remind you of The Gulf of Tonkin resolution," the made-up-by- Lyndon Johnson and the military" attack on a US ship which provided the rationale for the The Vietnam War and which "50,000 dead, hundreds of thousands wounded and Lord knows how many Vietnamese killed and maimed" later, turned out to be BULLSHIT.
Let's see...... how does Bush make us think the war is worth a surge ,etc....get our other 'enemy' involved. He counts on a short memory, like his.
George Santayana once wrote, "Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it".