In Yavapai county, Arizona (somewhere near Phoenix), a 29 year old convicted sex offender actually posed as a student in at least two middle schools.
His elderly homosexual goombah,Lonnie Stiffler (ahem), registered him saying he was the "student's" grandpoppy. Pop Pop is now under arrest too
Neil Havens Rodreick II came from Oklahoma to Arizona and posed as a 12 year old and is now charged with misdemeanor assault, conspiracy to commit fraud, conspiracy to commit forgery, failing to register as a sex offender (I'm personally shocked) and posession of a forgery device.
Administrators at Imagine Charter School at Rosefield (a school for Kindergarten through 8th grade) kicked him out for , so help me, poor attendance. However, administrators at the school did note, "...he was quiet ...had no discipline issue... turned in his homework on time...was never sent to the principal's office...and kept to himself".
He got caught when administrators at another charter school called "Mingus Springs" realized his birth certificate might be fake after he spent a day there. What must have tipped them off was the large black line through 1978 and the scribbled " I like mean 1995" next to it.
Could I make this shit up?
Administrators at The Imagine School sent a note home to parents after all this was revealed; a note which said that
1."locks have been added to security gates"
2. that they're " forming a task force to evaluate parents suggestions on school safety" and
3. that the administrators and teachers will have brains and eyes installed on their persons immediately.
A task force? Yeah, that should work! The locks should work too since the dude didn't exactly break into the place.
It seems to me their first hint should have been that he turned in his homework on time. After that, perhaps they might have noticed his beard and the facts that he asked for a parking space and a day off to vote.
Jake The MassPube interviewed one of the two principals. Principal Desiree Storm (left) explained it this way, "like man, how was I supposed to like know ,like okay, that like he wasn't just twelve. We just thought he like knew history, okay, because he like knew that there were presidents before Clinton".
Ms. Storm, age 14, (iputout @ continued, "Now I have to get another date to the Spring dance".
ABC has announced that their hit show, To Catch a Predator" will set up in the school's lunchroom for the next episode. To keep the lunchroom noise down while filming , they're only inviting the kids who are quiet, turn their homework in on time and have never been sent to the principal's office!