Of course, Richard Nixon, the psychopath, was an easy act to follow. Had Bobo the Wonder Llama been named President after Nixon, he would have done a better job than Nixon too.

Unlike Nixon, Ford was a man of integrity and had something few politicians had then or have today......balls!
Ford went from the frying pan to the fire when he pardoned Richard Nixon after Watergate which, at the time, was considered the reason Ford never won the presidency. Nowadays, everybody realizes he was dead on right. For this, he lost the 1976 election.
Chou En Lai, the former Premier of China said it best with his answer, when asked about the historical effect of the French Revolution, "Too soon to tell". (Actually Chou said "Too soon to terr", but The MassPube has translated it for those of you who don't speak Chinese.) You simply can't judge the impact of events too soon after they happen.
Ford did the right thing. He put the mess behind us, took the heat for the sake of moving on and wound up never being elected to the Presidency. Daniel Webster once said , "I'd rather be right than President" and it didn't work out for him either.
But it did work out for this schmuck..

Bush credited Ford with helping to heal the nation and restoring confidence in the presidency.He then added, "common sense, did ya ever?" and was slapped in the mouth by Tony Snow who didn't write that. ...then Bush left the podium and went on about his day, dividing the country and lessening confidence in the presidency.
Chou En Lai answered, when asked about the impact of the Bush administration," I arleady know the answel. He's a fleakin' molon. He sclews up evelything. Rold herp us arr"!