These were the front page stories in
The Boston Globe today:
1,Fidelity to end employee pension plan2.Transit and Roads face huge shortfall3.Britain,Iran row heats up4.Shi'ites kill dozens of Sunnis in revenge rampage5. Breach of data at TJX is called the biggest ever6. Schools running out of funds to upgrade computers.
But there's some bad news too, especially if your name is
Lawrence Roach, 48, of Clearwater,
Flori-duh. Seems Lawrence's former wife, Julia, had a gender change. She is now a man and her...his name is now 'Julio'.
However, the fact that she changed genders does not free her ex-husband from his alimony payments which were finalized in 2004.

His lawyers argued that since it is illegal in
Flori-duh for a man to marry a man, the settlement is null and void. This makes sense to me, but I'm not well trained in the law, like the judge. The lawyers promised it'd be a slam-dunk...like the Iraq War, but alas this was not to be! The judge disagreed with this argument and Larry will continue paying the newly- formed 'Julio' alimony. I have a feeling that Lar won't be meeting Julio "
down by the schoolyard" anytime soon, except to kick him in his brand new balls.
My rather sarcastic and quite humorous friend Steve Klotz (
http://www.steveklotz.com/blog) always says to me "
Why can't you be a man.....like your wife" when I'm complaining about being bossed around by my woman , an event that happens rarely, say about 99.9% of the time, ...................a lower percentage than Klotz's wife bosses him around, I might add.
Obviously Steve has been in touch with 'Julio' too...but I think Julio missed the sarcasm. I would think that this end result should have been re-considered as "irreconcilable differences" as in, "When I married her, er, him, he had a vagina....don't vagina's count for anything."Judge Richard Hertz, nominated by former Flori-DUH Representative Mark Foley, simply answered, "And your point is......"