Finally the Bush administration does its homework instead of running off "half-cocked", ahem.

Turns out he had to resign when it was discovered he was using Washington DC's most famous "escort service" for , in his own words, "massages".
Could be true ......, maybe they were massaging his weiner .........but at least, unlike anyone else in the administration, he was doing his homework,i.e.,hiring DC prostitutes..... and I ain't talkin' Shaqueenah off "The Corner". He hired only high priced, college educated, 'sweet cream ladies', not the exact thing you'd buy off the street in say Lahore, Pakistan or Tijuana, but hell, ya gotta start somewhere when you're serious about your Mr. Tobias!
Another former Administration screwball bobbed back to the surface on Sunday night, one George Tenet, former Director of the CIA, winner of the Presidential Medal of Freedom or some such crapola Bush gives to his buddies and former buddies, current Georgetown professor and one freaking nutcase! Obviously Georgetown's HR department will hire anyone.
The very first page of Tenet's new book called "At the Center of The Storm" relates a story that he told Scott Pelley of "60 Minutes" , immediately after he screamed in Pelley's face that "he only deals in the facts,.........that Richard Perle, a White House neo-con, blamed Iraq for 9/11 in a White House meeting on 9/12 , hence proving, screamed Tenet, that The White House didn't care about proof about Iraq at all.........BUT Perle, it turns out ,was in Paris on 9/12 and could not have had the meeting with Tenet at The White House. That's page one of the book of facts.
He also went on to scream that his famous advice about going to war with Iraq, "It's a slam dunk" was misinterpreted. He meant to say"It's a slam dunk", but it came out, "It's a slam dunk" which obviously, depending on what your definition of 'is' is, can mean either one of two things..... 1. "It's a slam dunk" or 2) "It's a slam dunk", as clearly shown by the photo of Mr Tenet explaining exactly what he meant, above! Thank you, Mr. Tenet .