Hmmm. Brainettes of gray batter???
Well, I guess he never heard of Molly Ivins and Maureen Dowd and so many others , but I have a feeling he was probably thinking of the one and only Ann Coulter ....Ooo, Ooo, Witchy Woman,

She got tons of laughter and , I'm sure, applause for the "faggot" comment ..... and then was condemned by leading Republican candidates/ meeting speakers, like Giuliani, McCain and Mitt "aren't I good looking? No, really, aren't I" Romney who all play "Let's Pretend" when it comes to conservatism, and will kiss anybody's ass to get nominated.
Note two of them come from arch conservative places like New York City and Massachusetts where they held positions of high power. How conservative can the three of them be?

McCain, a great Bush supporter, has kissed President Stupid's ass for six years now, even after his family was seriously insulted by Karl Rove in the 2000 campaign.... like Ann Coulter might do to him ......and is losing caucus after caucus in Arizona , his home state, while supporting Bush.
Giuliani perhaps sticks to his guns, but he still kisses ass. Divorced, lived with a woman, shared an apartment with a couple of Edwards, I mean faggots, damn I mean, gay people, and he's pro-choice. Taste good, Rudy? Like who you're sharing the stage with these days?
Coulter is an arch conservative and as Ralph Kramden would say, she "has a biiiiiii-gggggg mouth".

Potty mouths. Nobody stood up at the meeting and said "that's out of line" and threw her off the stage. She gets away with it every time and she'll keep doing it. So , I'll ask you, Ms. Coulter, at long last, have you no shame?
Conservatives , by definition, like the old ways. Perhaps they should read more Bierce....or maybe they are and missing the satire.
And as for Ms. Coulter, I'm just waiting for you too to shave off those long, blond locks when you really go off the deep end. I'm sure many hope, that when you do, you will have forgotten to fill the pool. I am among them, Tootsie!