I am...and I'm getting mightily screwed due to a mix of IRA's vs. pension plans and tons of bad information. But, like a schmuck, I'll pay what I owe.
In an odd segue, everybody's talking about the potential of President "DooDooBallHead" pardoning Scooter Libby. He wouldn't be the first to pardon a pal and here's the segue.......Just so you remember, on his last day in office, Bill Clinton pardoned Marc Rich who had spent 17 years abroad to avoid trial on charges of income tax evasion....he hadn't paid (and probably still hasn't) taxes of $48 million bucks. He was pardoned, it is thought, because he had contributed heavily to the Clintons. Congress investigated and found nothing wrong. What a surprise!!!

Tax dollars at work here in Massachusetts : It turns out that Mrs. Governor Deval Patrick is now suffering from exhaustion and depression, just six weeks and approximately six giant mistakes into her husband's term. The governor, Mr. "Mrs Deval Patrick", has announced he will take time off with flex hours to care for his wife. That's OK and the state government, America's first name in honesty, informs us all that, praise Jesus, Deval is still the guy in charge.
One of his giant mistakes was hiring a political crony at $72,000.00 per annum of taxpayer money to be his wife's full time appointments secretary; a brand new position he created.

But Mrs. Patrick is a full time, major partner at a giant law firm in Boston, a position she maintains. Why in hell does she need an $72,000.00 a year appointments secretary for her work as First Lady? But my real question is, now that she's suffering from "exhaustion and depression" and cannot work, are we still paying the $72,000.00 a year to the appointments secretary when Mrs. P is so ill that she can't handle any appointments.
As long as the tax money is put to good use and everybody's treated fairly. Maybe I won't pay this year and just wait until I owe $48 million!!