The numbers are staggering to say the least. Basically Mexico has become a tilted down pinball table and our flippers don't work.
There are so many people of so many nationalities sneaking in from Mexico daily that I'm a first class schmuck for not opening a chain of discount department stores two miles in from the border called "Illegals R'US" offering everything you need to make the next five miles. But that's only one opportunity missed.
Pat's historical point, and one well taken too, is that a country that cannot protect its borders is pretty much doomed. (see the terrific new film "Children of Men" about a rather bleak future with this as one theme). And , by the way, they don't just fill the jobs real Americans don't want. Turns out real Americans do want them, after all. It's just cheaper for shyster companies to hire the cheapest labor and help break the law.
When the very first thing an immigrant does is break the law, i.e., sneak in, they probably won't amount to much. Buchanan says Bush basically is ignoring the law to court the Hispanic vote ...which has backfired as Republican numbers amongst Latinos are very low and basically they all vote Democratic. Pat's quite angry about that.Hard to believe Bush miscalculated something, but it can happen to anyone. I'm sure it won't happen again until he has to tie his shoelace later today, bends over and hits his head on a bureau.
Law...schmaw. The MassPube believes a great marketing opportunity has been missed.
Especially by The North American Soccer League.
If Buchanan's numbers are correct, and I betcha they are, why is attendance so mediocre at this sport beloved by Latino people. These illegals love soccer and have narcotics and smuggling money to spend. They can't go and that's not fair!
Hence The MassPube suggests "Illegal Immigrant Night" at the opening games next year. Each fan would get a free bag with eyeholes in the colors of their favorite team. The bag would protect them from being identified..... ...but in cities designated as "Sanctuary Cities" of which there are about 20 (places where cops can't by regulation pick up illegals), they wouldn't get a bag. No siree, Bob!
They'd get a Drivers license, free healthcare and free education plus in-state tuition at state colleges and universities ... and a terrific family night at a sporting event.
I only wish you and I could become illegals!
"If you can't lick 'em, join 'em", says The MassPube.