Thursday, February 22, 2007

Follow the Money

The Associated Press reported two days ago that "a New York man accused of trying to help terrorists in Afghanistan has donated some $15,000 to the House Republicans' campaign committee over three years.......Abdul Tawala Ibn Ali Alishtari pleaded not guilty Friday in U.S. District Court in Manhattan to charges that include terrorism financing, material support of terrorism and money laundering.

ID photo of Mr. Ibn Ali Alishtari gives him patron's access to Congress as a thank you from Republican Congressional Committee.

The article continued, "From April 2002 until August 2004, the man also known as "Michael Mixon" gave donations ranging from $500 to $5,000 to the National Republican Congressional Committee...."

Wow, talk about covering your ass no matter who wins the war on terror. This guy's the king.

I can understand why they took the money without double checking.

A name like "Abdul Tawala Ibn Ali Alishtari" shouldn't bring up any questions at all. They probably let him through airport security while TSA did a full body search on the two blind, elderly nuns.

One must note that he was also known as "Michael Mixon", which rhymes with "Nixon" and Tricky Dick was a Republican president. "I swear to God. I thought he said 'Nixon', said Hugh G. Reckshun, of the Republican Congressional Committee.

President Nixon shown in one of his glory moments as President

Mr. Reckshun than asked for a full investigation into whether the Democrats were given any funding under the name "Michael Moosevelt".

In other news, Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton let loose on one another as a major former supporter of the Clintons, Abdul Tawala Ibn Ali Alishtari, damn , I mean David Geffen (of Hollywood fame) switched his allegiance to Senator Obama and called the Clintons "practiced liars".

Senator Clinton demanded that Obama condemn Geffen. Obama's first retort was ,"Sticks and stones may break your bones, but names will never hurt you". She then said, "yeah...well, your mother's a whore".

They then started grappling physically until a teacher broke it up and gave both a detention.

In detention hall, she continued her demands and Obama said," Yeah, right, sure. After carefully considering your request, I'll take the money".

Words continued to fly on both sides and to settle it,they've decided to go to Weehawken, NJ and duel it out with pistols in the spirit of Burr and Hamilton.

And the election isn't until 2008 ! Plenty of time to reload.