Mitt "Aren't I good looking? No, really, aren't I" Romney is an idiot..... Last week in New Hampshire, the former governor of liberal Massachusetts , a state he mocks continually when campaigning, said that he was a lifelong hunter in answer to a question form a guy wearing an NRA hat. The man who will say anything to get elected was later found out to be FULL OF CRAP.
That's not him above. That's a real hunter. It could have been Mitt, but he really wants the 'deer' vote. Turns out the Mitt-ster has only been "hunting" twice, both times without a license. Once for rabbits when he was 15 (45 years ago)and a second time when he "hunted" quail inside a hunting preserve during a Republican Governors Conference. Admittedly this can be dangerous for Republicans...just ask Dick Cheney's hunting pals.
It should be noted that ,based on his long love of hunting, Romney suddenly joined the NRA last summer, just before he announced for President.
In answer to a question about why he joined the NRA, asked by Rabbi Schmuel Ginzborg, Romney answered, "No, it has nothing to do with rifles.The National Rabbinical Association is the right organization for me. Years ago, I shunned a Jew in Salt Lake City and being Jewish has been a lifelong passion of mine. In fact as a businessman, I asked my fellow Rabbi's to save the foreskins for me. My company makes luggage out of them, for as you know, I'm a successful businessman. The Rom-0-portable case is small and is perfect for carry on when you're leaving, but if you rub it, it becomes a large suitcase for bringing all those souvenirs home with you".In other foot -in-mouth news, last week radio host Don Imus called the Rutgers Women's Basketball team a bunch of "nappy-haired ho's". Ho de phone...he said what????? Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are calling for his resignation.
That 'R' stands for Rutgers, Racist and just plain 'Rong' at any level about this comment, but , please remember it was Jesse who called New York "Hymie-town". It was Al Sharpton who trumped up the Tawana Brawley case, playing the race card and ruining a few police careers for no reason. Perhaps Imus should resign and do what they for President!
As the old racist joke goes, two Chinese people can't have a Caucasian child because "two Wongs don't make a White". Not funny anymore, is it? Jesse and Al are the wrong guys to call Imus racist. Instead, let me do it regarding this terrible and insulting comment.