Radio station KDND 107.9 ran a contest to see how much water a person could drink without making tinkle. Turns out that the correct answer is : "A little less than Jennifer Strange drank" as the 28 year old waterlogged moron died of "water intoxication" in her suburban Rancho Cordoba home. "
The contest winner would have won, are you ready, a Nintendo Wii video game system. Perhaps they should change that to a "Wii Wii system" as the backup of wii-wii caused her death.

Media has a , pardon the pun, "Strange" way of causing people to react. Since the TV hanging of Saddam Hussein, kids all over the world, after viewing it, are hanging themselves. In Texas, Turkey, Pakistan and Yemen, kids pretended to be Saddam and met the same fate by their own hand. They did this, in The MassPube's opinion, because TV blurs the line constantly between what's real and what isn't.
Remember that American soldier kidnapped in the early days of the war and the news followed it until she was rescued. One week later there was a TV movie about it. News becomes entertainment becomes news. Hence, the public, not nearly as intelligent as you or I, get a blurred picture. What's real. What isn't...who cares. At least I can tell the difference