Interference Inc. lived up to their name because businesses closed, major highways were shut down, The Charles River was closed, the subway lines were stopped... as the various anti-terror squads combed the city for these devices. It had full coverage on CNN ( a part of Turner Broadcasting as well) and on all the local Boston networks which pre-empted everything to cover the story.
Boston is historically not known for having a sense of humor, especially since the first two planes on 9/11 took off from here. Ask Sacco and Vanzetti if you don't believe me. After all, it was the seat of Puritanism .....and The Salem Witch Trials happened just a few miles up the road. The Puritan's sense of humor is so bad that the only joke they ever laughed at had this punch line, "No soap! Radio!!"
Neither Turner or Interference Inc. told the city or asked the city for permission to put these things up. At 4:30 pm , they publicly apologized for their "guerilla marketing".

As punishment Boston plans to ask the perpetrator, a 27 year old artist named Peter Berdovsky to put the very last Lite-Brite inside Mojambo' s cage,while dressed as a cardboard box. It's like the Roach Motel.....they go in, but they don't come out!
Interference Inc said their next project was to plant someone in every grocery store express line nationwide with 13 items, just to screw things up. After that, they hope to follow up with employees going on airplanes reciting the Koran Death Prayer.
Aqua Teen Hunger Force is being made into a movie because, as H. L. Mencken said, "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people."
I hope it FUCKING bombs!