Here's an actual E mail I got yesterday from "work home", all verbatim, my responses in black:
" Tip: Do you buy things on credits?
Dear The MassPube
Yep, unfortunately you take credits. (How did they knows?), have a credit card or a car on credit, maybe even your house is upon tick. (My home in England is in "Bullballs upon Tick". Wow, you guys did your homework!)

Do you have your own property? That's it! How old are you? What have you achieved? You're credit's slave!(Must be why I do sings dem ol' Negro spirituals all de day long)
Sociologists revealed that when a person begins to take credits, then ha (I see nothing funny here) can't stop the process. He can't get out of this psychological dependence and dependence on bank's money.(and it bothers me so much, I have a second problem. I constantly forget the word "the")
As tobacco companies never say that smoking harms health (so they're lying on that warning label on every pack. Thanks. Those bastards!), so banks also keep American dream alive - life on credit.
But! You aren't a slave! You're person. ( I person, You Jane)
And we'll help you to get away from it.(You sound like the right guys to me) Just start to work at home. Don't give up your work at all, try make it a lil'bit. (Any relation to Lil' Abner?) When you'll get a taste for it you will be able to retire. But hide your incomes ( I wills, I promises) from bank (how did they know I only have one?), otherwise they won't let you go.
When there will be plenty of money, pay your debts and start to live like you wanna! ( I wanna? Isn't she Donald Trumps ex-wife) Well, are you ready to try?
Fill in your personal details (OK. I'm convinced you're on my sides..."George Bush, US President, Age 60...) and we'll search opps for you that will assist you to forget about banks, debts and slavery. (Long as you done clears it wif de mastuh cause...)

Then I got this one and when I sent it to my buddies Terry and Tony in the UK, in one of the most astounding coincidences ever, they got the same E mail but they won the US lottery. What's the chance of that?

REF NO: UK/776090X2/23 BATCH NO: 013/06/8394369 UNITED KINGDOM.
WINNING NOTIFICATION:We happily announce to you the Draw (06/1096) of the UK NATIONAL LOTTERY, online UK National Lottery program held on 30th December,2006.Your e-mail address attached to Ticket Number:8603775966738 with Serial number 5368/02 drew the Winning Numbers:9,14,21,23,39,44,19 (bonus no.19),which subsequently won you the lottery in the 2nd category i.e match 5 plus 1 bonus.
You have therefore been approved to claim total sum of £ 1,500,000(One Million Five Hundred Thousand Pounds Sterling ),payout in Us dollars;2,776,646.55 in cash You are to contact the claims department by e-mail.
Are these lottery people crazy? Do they think I'm stupid? I'm not getting involved in some lottery scam when I can works at home and be free from slavery.
Thank God Almighty, FREE AT LAST