One critic, Mr. Paul Beaver, a defense advisor to the House of Commons, slapped his broad tail against the ground and mumbled, in a deep British accent, "Air hellair...Hrmmphh so fmmmharhapahs, foffohohawhaww,yes, qwestshuns" which translates to " There are lots of former naval people I've talked to and they are very disappointed....makes the whole Royal Navy look completely ineffective". ......anyone for darts?

Well ,Rule Britannia, so there! Let me restate my personal position from yesterday. It is quite simple; "President Ahmadinejihad, before you wipe, might I kiss you there". It's hard to think clearly when you're suddenly taken prisoner in a freaking ridiculous war by religious maniacs...you just want to get home.....and I might add, also hard to think clearly with a load of crap in your pants. As Harry Flashman says, "There's a time to grovel and a time not to to grovel.....and this is the time to grovel"

"And if that doesn't work?"
"I have a chair"
"And if that doesn't work"
"I have a gun"
"And if that doesn't work"
"Simple. I'd reach behind me and pick up a load of crap and fling it into his eyes."
What if the load of crap isn't there?"
"Don't worry, Chappie, it'll be there".