You've probably read about the sculpture "My Sweet Lord", the six foot tall statue of Jesus on the crucifix, anatomically correct and nude, done in the medium of chocolate. I believe it was dark chocolate too which makes Jesus African, as opposed to white chocolate which makes Jesus a suburban Republican. Maybe that's whats pissing them off. I could see if the artist used, say almonds to portray his nuts, but he didn't.
Hmm. Religious Catholics are in an uproar and frankly I can't figure out why. It's just Jesus. Its still Jesus. There are replicas of Jesus everywhere. Every church has one. Okay, it is Holy Week, but this is no insult. And isn't the typical Easter fun based on candy. Go anywhere and they're selling chocolate rabbits, chocolate chickens...all for Easter. And they've always made chocolate Jesus'.Look at the top picture.
So it can't be the chocolate. I haven't heard whether it was for eating, but it could be considered somehow a little holy...perhaps like communion wafers, a little piece of the soul, but more flavorful. I always had the idea for cheese flavored communion wafers and calling them "Cheezits Christ". I've told priests that joke and they die laughing.
It can't be the fact that he's anatomically correct. Jesus had a penis. Yes, he did, circumcised though it might be! Everybody agrees on that. And the church has been sponsoring nude works for years because they supposedly honor mankind which is supposedly God's greatest creation, though both He and I are becoming more doubtful about that every day . Take Michaelangelo's David as an example. His wang is prominently displayed and that's done by the same guy who did The Sistine Chapel. Jesus , I am sure, wouldn't have minded a bit.
Here it is....brace yourself........and if you look closely, I think Jesus would have said "Thanks" to the artist.
Frankly, it looks like an Olympic diver whose suit fell off, doesn't it. Or maybe, the broad jump event at The Boston archdiocese.
Reminds me of the old Smothers Brothers routine...about the guy who falls into a vat of chocolate and screams "Fire". They come and rescue him. They ask him how come he yelled ,"Fire". His answer, "Cause nobody would come if I yelled 'chocolate". Now, I guess, they would!
for another take on this...
That's not Jesus! It's Jim Morrison! No wonder people are upset!!
That Michaelangelo's David looks similar to the self portrait I gave patty for her birthday...
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