I know this will come as a complete shock to you but it seems that Attorney Generalissimo (to quote Bill Maher) Alberto Gonzales lied about his not being involved in the politically based firings of the eight US attorneys.
This point was brought home clearly when Harry Reid, Arlen Spector , Nancy Pelosi and six of the eight former prosecutors sang " Liar Liar, Pants on Fire. Your nose is longer than a telephone wire" at a recent press conference concerning Gonzales, immediately after an ex-aide testified that Gonzo wasn't telling the truth.
The Gonz-meister, shown above consulting with a Republican strategist, at his own hastily called press conference, mis -read his Karl Rove-prepared statement as , "I am not a crock". He is currently preparing for retirement,by signing a book deal and has a guest shot on The George Lopez Show ready to go.
Also this past week, from Reuters, "the world's tallest man, whose search for a bride covered the world, ended up marrying a woman from his home town nearly half his age and more than two feet shorter, Chinese media reported on Wednesday. Bao Xishun, 56, a 7-ft, 9-inch herdsman listed by Guinness World Records as the tallest living man, married a 29-year-old saleswoman, the Beijing News said. Both come from Chifeng in Inner Mongolia.It was the first wedding for Bao and his bride, Xia Shujuan, a mere 1.68 metres (5 ft 6 inches) tall. "E-Halmony did the best they could", said Bao, "what with being from Inner Mongolia and the height thingie".
And finally....according to "Dotmusic", Michael Jackson, the King of Pop and a top Bush nominee to be the next Attorney General , is in discussions about creating a 50-foot robotic replica of himself to roam the Las Vegas desert, according to reports. It has now been claimed that his plans include an elaborate show in Vegas, which would feature the giant Jacko ("Giant Jacko"...their words, so help me, not mine) striding around the desert, firing laser beams. If built, the metal monster would apparently be visible to aircraft as they come in to land in the casino capital. "Also being built are five 18 foot tall smaller robots who will be invited to stay over at the new Giant Robot Kids Ranch . The robot, which is programmed to say "Danger , Will Robinson, Danger. Out of Anal lubricant" is too embarrassed to say anything else.
I presume the young Asian bride has no teeth and a flat head.
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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