I read that the jury had great sympathy for Lewis "Scooter" Libby, but not quite enough to exonerate him since his excuse "I forgot" didn't make sense in light of the evidence, which sadly, is what makes him guilty.
All this regarding the outing of CIA operative Valerie Plame because her husband, Joe Wilson, accused the White House gang of making up intelligence regarding the reasons to invade Iraq. They did???? I'm shocked!
Who needs a trial?
For God's sake, Libby is 60 years old and is still called "Scooter". What more evidence of guilt does one need. I had a friend named "Lipschitz " when I was a kid. We stopped calling him "Shitlips" when he turned 18. Scoots-man, to every thing there is a season. Turn, turn, turn!
And he was Cheney's chief of Staff....sounds like an honest guy to me. I can only imagine the alumni dinner at Andover five years ago: conversation best with clenched teeth....
"Air hellair, Scootsmeister, so where are you these days"
"I'm an agent for the devil"
Oh, ahv course,and how is Dickie".
Now where did we store that guillotine?
Libby was convicted of one count of obstruction, two counts of perjury , one count of lying to the FBI and one count of still being called "Scooter".
His attorney said that he was disappointed in the verdict. Of course, if you looked closely into the attorneys eyes, his eyeballs had become number counters as they clicked on upwards, like that deficit clock, counting his billable hours for the appeal. I don't think the attorney was that disappointed at all.
"Let me restate, we are very disappointed", as he realized that he could charge $3503.50 for that re-statement.
Poor widdle Scooter.....Is he a scapegoat for Dickie, Georgie and Rover. Well, Scoots, when you sleep with the pigs .........But I defend you heartily, Scootsie....while many say you aren't fit to sleep with the pigs, I say you are.
1 comment:
The die was cast when Scooter's attorney started crying in front of the jury during final remarks. Why didn't he just whip out a trumpet and blow Taps? (Or whip out a strumpet and blow chunks?).
I smell Presidential pardon. If he's offered a lighter sentence in return for info, they'll be more ducking for cover than on a Dick Cheney hunting party. Speaking of ducks.
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