It reminds me of comedian Pat Paulsen's phony campaign in 1968 where no matter what city he was in, he started his speech by saying "this is the most beautiful city I've ever been to" as though nobody heard it before.
The Boston Globe obtained a document , published on today's front page, which lists the Romney campaign's perception of how to procede with the phony bastard's campaign. It should be on Comedy Central.
His campaign and yours truly are finally on the same page concerning him because it says that the negatives he must overcome are 1) he's a phony, 2) he's a political opportunist, 3) he's not a war leader and 4) he's a rapacious Republican businessman. I believe he's decided on the continued use of number 1) in order to overcome 2), 3) and 4).

1) France ...enjoy your Liberty fries, Mitt. If that don't work, don't eat any Danish or English muffins either.
Mitt, are those the French Alps or good old American Alps behind you? Inquiring minds want to know!
3)Massachusetts .......where he's lived for forty years and was it's Governor until 6 weeks ago. 4)Hollywood values.....from the folks who gave us "Mr. Smith Goes To Washington" and "Finding Nemo"
5) Moral relativism ...... my morals say don't be a phony, Mitt. You're right, we have different standards.
6)Hilary Clinton ...... Jesus, Mitt, what if she doesn't get the nomination? Barack Obama and John Edwards thank you!
7)Jihadism..... You're really out on a limb and here I thought you had no balls. Most of the other candidates are for it.
But he's an Honorable man and I've decided to be a good guy and write him his first speech. " Elect me because I'm a man of high morals unlike Hilary Clinton who is a man without morals. She's actually been to France and has eaten what I consider to be their pro-Jihadism toast at breakfast many times, even when in the USA. Unlike our current president who is from Taxes, I'm from , yuccch, Massachusetts which I hope to leave as soon as I become your president and get their liberal stink off of me. Thank you and God bless the United States of America except for Hollywood which has no moral relativism, but I am good looking enough to be a movie star there if only they'd call .... because really I am good looking, aren't I".

A chip off the old block, is our Mutt Romney. It was his (good looking) daddy, George, who blew his shot at the presidential nomination when he explained how he'd been "brainwashed" into support for the Vietnam war. The American public decided it didn't need a "brainwashed" chief executive.
(For obvious reasons, nobody suggests President Monkey Boy was "brainwashed.")
Mutt is the all-time empty suit. Like the Breck Girl, his Dem counterpart, he'll be out of the race before the tulips bloom.
How do people come to be so full of themselves?
Who is the birdie whispering in his ear to run?
Most of all who is donating the millions it takes to run for his presidential campaign?
Inquiring minds want to know...
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