Depending on the prognosis, he may be NOT be able to perform his Senate duties. This could result in a sharing of Senate power if the Republican Governor of South Dakota should appoint a Republican to fill his seat. Hence, with a 50-50 senate, the tie breaking vote would belong to ................

President of the Senate, VP Dick Cheney . last seen wearing Prada.
But the Democrats are smarter than that and MassPube Poltical Intelligence Inc. reports that they are ready to announce their well thought out "Not To Worry" plan with their production of
Weekend at Bernies 4"
in which Mr. Johnson , though unable to move, would attend every Senate session and would be set up with wires to be pulled by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), for arm raising votes. His voice would be done by Senator John Kerry (D-MA) who loves a good joke and has gotten his South Dakota accent down to "almost perfect".
"I laughed my ahz off at the first three movies as did so many othehs" said Senator Ted Kennedy, "and if they could fool all those wise ahz Noo Yawkers on the beach, I figuhed we could do it too and so I endohse this plahn".
President Bush , hearing of the plan, said, "You mean Bernie wasn't dead? I thought that was the joke".
Mr Johnson's first arrival en'scene will be covered by Joan Rivers!
1 comment:
He's got MY vote.
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