It's like "Two and Half Men ", the TV series, except the cast is mulatto.
But the book is a true story. And so is this.....
The Charlotte NC school superintendent has banned the book because of it's homosexual and anti-family overtones. He did this in response to a letter from Republican county chairman Bill James who said ,"I am opposed to any book that promotes a homosexual lifestyle".
I guess the Reverend Ted Haggard of Colorado would have said the same thing. And he is a man of Gawd.
In a move that clearly shows why public schools suck nationwide, the school superintendent immediately banned the book from the school libraries. He did this after looking down and realizing, "My God it's true, I don't have any balls and the money's good!"
Now to be fair, a famous scientist who Mr. James knows said , after studying the penguins in the book, that.....
1) they were overly neat,
2)squawked with a lisp,
3) had an entire collection of Bette Midler on Broadway and
4) took baths together.
The same scientist, Dr. Mandy Boats, also believes there's still a sign of life in Terry Schiavo.
He would have loved last year's very popular movie called "March of the Penguins" about male and female penguins breeding and raising their young in Antarctica. It was decent photography but idiotic narration. They described the penguins instincts as "love".
Hello.....Penguins don't love their young. They may look like they do, but they don't, since love is a human emotion and their brains are the size of a squirrel's left testicle. They're just busy trying to preserve the species and applying to be county Republican chairman in Charlotte.
Yucch on "anthropromorphism" , the art of giving human characteristics to animals. Except in the case of my dog, it's pretty damn dumb to do.
Meanwhile the opposite, ascribing animal characteristics to humans, is perfectly all right, as in "The Superintendent of Schools in Charlotte North Carolina is a horse's ass."
Proof below

Mr. James, you freakin' idiot, the penguins aren't gay, they're just trying to preserve the species. But I understand your traditional marraige foundations. Now shut up, go home and beat the shit out of your wife.
Shit like this makes all of us penguins look bad. I will consult my attorney as soon as he has time off for good behavior.
Tango? You're welcome.
No no; everyone knows that penguins are notorious for their homosexuality.
And they get teh AIDS.
Gives whole new meaning to the words, "South Pole."
First the Teletubbies and now the penguins. Will these homos stop at nothing? Actually I was quite relieved to hear that it was just the purple Teletubby that was gay.
I only want to fuck the yellow one.
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