Next time those in higher education look askance at you while their noses point straight up into the air as they interview your kid for college,

or as we commoners like to put it, "She freakin' lied on her freakin' resume!"
Considered the "MOST CELEBRATED AND OUTSPOKEN ADMISSIONS DEAN IN AMERICA", so says The Boston Globe, it turns out that when she said she had degrees from
1. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2. Union College and 3. Albany Medical College...she really meant to check the "NO" box, but dang if she didn't check "YES.
Amazingly, the administrative assistant job she originally applied for 28 years ago did not have a college degree requirement, but , what the fuck, lah dee dah, she lied anyway...and since she did so well and they promoted her so often, they never checked her resume against,.... oh what do you call that damn thing....oh yeah...that's right......the truth! They say that the truth shall set you free. That must be correct! She's free of her job.
Well, MIT, this just goes to show you the value of a really good education, the kind that your students are paying ,what, $60,000.00 a year for. Your beloved Dean of Admissions never even went to school ...and 28 years ago, did anyone think to ask her at the interview, "Why would somebody with degrees from Rensselaer, Union and Albany Medical College be applying for a job as an administrative assistant which requires no degree?'Hmm, look who's President...and he has a degree from Yale. A Yale degree gives us the dumbest thing since toenails failed to evolve while NO degree at all gets to be Dean of Admissions at MIT, one of the great schools anywhere!
Hmmm......What's the tuition at Schlepville State anyway. Come to think of it...why bother?
Hoo, boy, you're quite a bigot.
I think you pulled the wrong lesson from this story. Yes, she's a fraud, and yes, her employer practiced negligence. But she also did a helluva good job for many years. What this tells me is, a college education and the credentials they provide have virtually nothing to do with one's effectiveness as a professional. If anything, it damages!
Of course, it could also mean that the job she was hired to fill is a dogpile, and that anybody with 2 brain cells to rub together could do it. And did.
I say that if she has been able to hold the job this long and even receive accolades for her work then who cares. So she lied a little on her resume..who doesn't? It's not like she's pretending to be a doctor.
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