Anna Nicole Smith died yesterday !
Anna Nicole Smith died yesterday !
Anna Nicole Smith died yesterday !
Anna Nicole Smith died yesterday !
Anna Nicole Smith died yesterday !
It was all over TV even pre-empting a story about crime in New Orleans on CNN after that freaking moron Larry King had spent an hour talking about the same thing after God knows how many other hours they spent.
Frankly, Scarlett, I don't give a rat's ass or understand what the hooplah is about. Welcome to celebrity crazed America, 2007!
Did I mention that Anna Nicole Smith died yesterday!
So did Jennifer Harris, from the town I live in, who was a combat Marine...a Captain in the air wing of the Marines.
Anna Nicole Smith simply become famous for doing nothing. She had big boobs, looked like Jayne Mansfield, was a cover girl for Playboy, Playmate of the Year, married some 89 year old 'old fart' worth gaziillions and when he died, she became more famous for chasing his money in a case that went to The Supreme Court.
She also hosted a reality show called "The Anna Nicole Show" which showed her walking around LA with her poodle, put on weight enough to match her tits, then lost it as she worked as a spokesperson for "Trim Spa" diet supplement and is now being sued in a class action suit claiming that the pills were ineffective, had a baby just recently and nobody's quite sure who Dada is , and then croaked spectacularly yesterday in Hollywood , Flori-duh at age 39 at The Hard Rock Casino.

That's a lot of horseshit to cram into one paper bag in 39 years. And that's all it is is horseshit. I was amazed the MADE FOR TV wasn't showing by 10 pm last night.Such an important life!!!!!!
So let me give you a real one!

The big news is Anna Nicole Nothing. You decide! What in hell is wrong with us?
It is a shame that Anna would overtake our fallen soldiers in the headlines of the paper.
It doesn't surprise me but nonetheless it is a shame.
If they spent more time discussing the lives of our soldiers in the news then maybe we would invest more of a personal interest in bringing them back home. As it is, we as a nation would rather not put a face to those that become a statistic in Iraq for fear we might feel responsible for their death because our leader put them in harms way.
how big were jennifer harris's tits?
well, there you are.
While you just cannot compare the two women in terms of a life lived, nonetheless Anna Nicole was a human being and died leaving a child behind. Her death is just as much a tragedy as Ms. Harris'. In fact, in a certain way her death might indeed be more significant.
While the wall-to-wall media coverage of Smith's death is what is truly despicable, I cannot help but think that the story of her life and death is the quintessential "American Tragedy". From all indications, a sweet woman from a small town who wanted to be "someone". So she traded on her rather substantial "assets". I don't believe she was the absolute moron she portrayed but she was clearly no Stephen Hawking. The craving for fame and "success" brought her to people and to places that not only were tragically destructive but also were never going to enable her to be the person she was inside. I don't mean to be overly sentimental or blubbering about Smith; after all, she did this to herself. But I also cannot shake the idea that this culture sells a product that has very little to do with fostering real human happiness. Those with nothing really going for them who buy into it and who have no one in their lives to guide them, can fall prey. As I said, I was not one who cared much for her act, but I can't not feel sorry for her.
Actually, it wouldn't that far off to suggest that Ms. Harris and Ms. Smith had something in common. Both lost their lives buying into lies their country foisted upon them.
Dear Anonymous....Yours was avery thoughtful comment and I thank you.
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