She was forced out by President Alvaro Uribe since her brother, father and cousin are currently under investigation for being too tied to paramilitaries and also to some kidnapping. Sensing there might be a problem keeping her on, Mr. Uribe decided the time might be right to let her go.
In her resignation speech, she said she was planning to start dating Tom Brady this weekend.

How about some better looking cabinet members, President Bush. That'd make me like you better, but I'd miss your stupidity. I really would.
Yesterday, on Presidents Day, Bush made his first visit to Mount Vernon, George Washington's home , approximately a ten minute drive from The White House. His joke was ,"I feel right at home here. After all this is the home of the first George W. ( wait for laughter) I thank President Washington for welcoming us today."
Isn't that a riot! He's following John Kerry at open mike night at the DC Comedy Club.
First of all, he probably doesn't know that President Washington has passed away, so his thank you is meaningless. And Washington certainly wouldn't be so welcoming if he were alive.
People in those post -revolutionary days wanted Washington to be King. He turned that down. This one would jump at it since despots rarely obey a consitution...

Should the current President ever come to Blue State Massachusetts, John Quincy Adams wouldn't be so welcoming either. John Quincy Adams wrote that the US "goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy."
Just do us a favor, George. Get a babe into your cabinet and shut up about everything else!
He's already got a "babe." Condoliza Rce is soooooooooooooo hot. Yum.
We already recognize His Majesty as such.
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