Remember the old Perry Como song "What did Delaware ,boys, what did Delaware? " In this case , a hair shirt might be in order. Last time Biden got caught was in 1988 when he gave a speech plagiarized from a politician in Britain. This time around, especially after the gaffe, he swore everything would be original. When asked last week if this was the end of his current presidential hopes, he responded by saying in his own words, "We have not yet begun to fight!"
Good job, Joe. Give it up now!

He also is working now with the guys who did "The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth" campaign, ads which he called vile and misleading just a few years ago. John, go to Iraq, get captured and become a POW again. That's your best hope. I used to think you were the man. Now I think you're a piece of shit. I hope I'm not alone!

I'm a good sport! Congrats to the Colts, Dungy and Manning, they deserve it after all these winning seasons since, objectively, the refs love making bad pass interference calls against my Patriots for several years now! If it ain't the Pats, the next best team took it.
Super Bowls in non-domed stadiums:Turning the game on during the opening Cirque D' Soliel performance, I thought I had inadvertently tuned in to Kim Dung Hill's birthday celebration in North Korea. Here's a way he can become our friend...let him produce next years show.
Then the rains of Ranjipur started and game was played in horrible conditions, minus of course, like in the old days, mud .... where you couldn't even see their numbers in a rain like that.
Molly Ivins, the Texas based , Bush- bashing, wonderful political humor columnist died at age 62 from breast cancer. She'll be missed.
Barbaro: Many people don't realize his last name was "Seville". He died at age 4 after breaking down in The Preakness. They tried to save him, but couldn't.
Bob Carroll: one of the original writers of I Love Lucy, he was in his eighties.
Father Drinan: A fine man , a good priest, a US anti-war Congressman in the seventies, Dean of the Boston College Law School, he was what priests are supposed to be like, thoughtful and caring and intelligent, unlike ones like Bing Crosby, a great cinema priest typecast well since he was a violent child abuser and the likes of Father Geoghan and the other creeps in the Boston Sex Scandals.
They won't be down for breakfast! Too bad!
Re: The SuperBowl rain: ironically, it was the first significant rainfall of the entire year. It's been dry as a nun's snatch down here in the Banana Republic of South Florida (BRSF) since last October.
McCain defended his selections yesterday. "These are good people who were doing as they were instructed," Mr. McCain said Sunday. "They are people who shape the message, don’t dictate it." (NY Times: here's the link which I can't format properly in blogger: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/02/05/us/politics/05mccain.html?_r=1&oref=slogin
In other words, professionals who were simply following orders. Where have we heard words like this before?
Shame about Biden. I like him. The only one running who doesn't talk out of his ass. Unfortunately for him, he talks out of his mouth.
Would have been a much more interesting game if it was played in the Midwest by 2 Midwest teams. -10 on Super Sunday with -20 wind chill.
Tears were freezing on the faces of Chicagoans. It was a depressing day, but better than if the season would have ended a month ago. There is always next year.
Anyhoo..it's time to start rooting for the White Sox.
PS - love i love lucy :(
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