They pretty much emptied the town. At Swift, the work is described as "hard, stinky,dirty and dangerous". My bet is that few Jewish families are encouraging their first born to look into this as a profession. In the meantime, before ground is broken for the synagogue, the town is pretty much dead in the water since 75% of the residents were illegal immigrants, being paid about $11.50 an hour to work in the slaughterhouse.
Yep, that worked! Well, actually it created a whole new poltical environment giving the dis-enfranchised of Cactus an opportunity for political clout!

Few American employers will take this seriously. Even if mine did, I'd probably miss it because the meeting to talk about it would , more than likely, interupt my nap. Most American companies are just too stupid to make a change like this. However, there is one who isn't so stupid. At a company called Yarde Metals in Southington, CT, they have a nap room and last week they added a full body massage chair that incorporates aroma-therapy and motion .... and it can simulate the sounds of a babbling brook or the beach. That wouldn't work for me. I need one with fart noises and stench. When I nap, thats what I do.
I'm all for an afternoon nap. In fact, I just as soon not get out of bed in the morning: have a nap right after waking up.
Trouble with the Greek research is that all those afternoon naps meant a lot of Greek men getting a bit behind in their work.
...how can you work for a company named Swift and get caught by border patrol? Have you seen those guys, they can't run? I thought to be an immigrant you had to at least be fast. I mean how else do you dodge patrol at the border? Oh yeah...they were napping...
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