Fly me to the moon
Let me play among the stars
Let me see what Spring is like
On Jupiter and Mars
The moon and stars always brings out the romance in us all...and it is only a week until Valentine's Day... and tell me that that Saturn rocket isn't phallic when it lifts off !
Astronaut and Navy captain Lisa Nowak flipped a few days ago. Recently separated from her husband of nineteen years, this mom of three kids developed a crush over the past few years on fellow astronaut Bill Oefelein. Captain Nowak then started stalking Oefelein's supposed girlfriend, Air Force Captain Colleen Shipman.
A few days ago, Ms. Nowak packed up her car in Houston with varied and serious weapons, drove to Orlando ,Flori-DUH, wearing diapers so she didn't have to stop, confronted the woman in the airport parking lot, sprayed her with pepper spray and eventually was arrested. She's now charged with "attempted murder".
She's out on bail now, wearing an electronic bracelet and is back in Houston. Under Flori-duh law, she could go to jail for life.
Bullshit......give her a break. She went nuts. She flipped. She put one person in danger and that person is now safe. She needs help and I hope she gets it! Though scared shitless, I betcha Ms. Shipman feels close to the same way about her.
Let's see....She became delusional. She put people in danger for no reason. It can happen to government employees all too easily. It's happened before. For example, by those standards, her cellmates could be Donald Rumsfeld....VP Dick Cheney ...and our fearless leader himself.
Oh wait ! There's a difference between her and the clowns mentioned above.
She served in the Armed Forces. She still is serving. She put herself through intensive, high pressure, dangerous training. She actually accomplished something worthwhile. She's one of 46 women to fly in the Space Shuttle and she did a good job. She's a standout!
This could never be accomplished by women I know. For example, after years of astronaut training, here is a photo of my wife's first attempt to land on the moon.
She got there by taking the long way.......around Uranus !
Ms. Nowak co-piloted Space Shuttle and I bet she can do it while putting on mascara. That gives her a free pass after getting help, by my book. I hope you agree.
Mace. The Final Frontier.
She said she wasn't going to hurt Shipman, "just wanted to talk to her." That's why she she was carrying mace, 3 feet of rubber tubing, a knife, several garbage bags, and a large mallet. The soiled rubber diapers were just to improve her mood. And odor.
Dark Side of the Loon. Houston, we have a problem.
If she would've had a you tube video of her stunt she would be a celebrity...and we all know that celebrities don't go to jail.
What a disservice to our over crowded jails. We need to save the jail space for all the pot smokers.
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