Well , finally the Government listened!

They saw the ad in The Terrorist Times, "Yard Sale 7am -7pm this Saturday at US Pentagon. No early birds please. All sorts of great stuff. No ID required."
The Pentagon spokesperson, General A.E Neuman, said,
"We always use The Terrorist Times. We sell out after every ad"
I love the guy that the Pentagon sold the parts to ; a Pakistani arms dealer just out of prison!
"So Abdul, what are you going to do with all these parts and arms
I plan to sell them to countries to kill Americans with them.
Not a problem, Checkout is to your left. And come again"
"Countries don't die from murder, they die from suicide!", a famous historian once wrote. But when our guys and gals get bombed , know they're being bombed by well made American products, not some foreign piece of crap. That'll make you feel better.
In other mideast news Saddam Hussein's (now literally) half brother (when he was kidnapped a few years ago, they put his picture on a container of Half and Half) , Barzan Ibrahim , was hanged yesterday and, when they opened the trap door with the noose around his neck and let him drop, his head came off. Ouch!
The Sunni's are angered. Beheaded, can you imagine? The Iraqi government asked that it not be blamed as they bought the rope at a US Government Surplus auction and, according to Prime Minister Nouri El-Maliki "that is the last time we do that."
He continued, "I got that, some used roller blades and an old snow blower at Bush's Yard Sale and he told me they all worked. I bet the snow blower is a a piece of junk too " .
Caveat Emptor!
Looks like he's a lock on the lead in next year's Iraqi production of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow!
So the government had it's bake sale and sold a few arms to our enemies...BFD (Bush shouldn't have eaten all the Pot Brownies..those were for the guests)
I'm still waiting for some money to make it to education. Keeping Americans dumb is our enemies best offense. Who needs enemies when we happily hang our selves.
This is great info to know.
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