Well, they aren't the only ones to get ready for a day and night of watching TV.
Me, I'm getting ready for some football as the NFC championship game starts at 3 pm with The Bears vs. The Saints and at 6:30, my big game begins , the hometown Patriots vs. the always tough and amazingly good (a team that is overdue for the Super Bowl), Indianapolis Colts under the leadership of Peyton Manning.
FYI, The Boston Globe picks The Bears 23-17 and they also picked , unbelievably , The Colts winning by the same score over the hometown team.
So today to get ready for an afternoon and evening of great football I went to the warehouse store in ultra -liberal Cambridge, Massachusetts for my snacks and the place was mobbed. Everybody was buying snacks, ,but amazingly not for the game .
See, tonight PBS starts their new series "Jane Eyre", at 9pm no less, during the last quarter of the game and virutally everyone at the store was wearing Jane Eyre jerseys with Jane Eyre caps, buying Jane Eyre chairs to sit in and telling their wives, "Honey, don't get chips. Get something healthy. How about just some cut -up raw vegetables, brie cheese and some duck pate' for water crackers."
Good old Cambridge. Jane Eyre jerseys had quickly sold out. Jane Eyre baseball caps were being scalped outside the store. One lean,well muscled fellow in Bierkenstock sandals said, "I even bought a new treadmill with headsets for the first episode. I'll exercise the whole time it's on. I lost 18 pounds during Bleak House alone."
Several people told me they were attending Jane Eyre parties tonight.PBS will be following up with an hourlong discussion.
A Professor Phillips of The Harvard School of the Arts commented, "They put the hourlong discussion on to cahhllm us down ahfter the show. Lahhst yeah we hit the streets right ahfter Bleak House's premiere at 10pm to celebrate at "The Teahouse" in Hahhrvahhd Square and the police could not control our wild gittiness as the crowd got biggah and biggah. One ahficeh actually raised his voice ahsking us to fohhrm a single line with which we complied immediately."
According to Crowd Control Magazine, this happens everywhere across the country after the premiere of every PBS series and as Hy N. DeMitey, chief of police in Indianapolis, dressed in full riot gear, said, "The PBS' ers are nuts and we're not going to let things get out of control after the show like the last time!"
There was just a news report that Bostonians dressed as Indians are dumping all copies of The Boston Globe into the harbor for their act of treason.

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