The MassPube's choice for best politician out there, Congressman Jeff Flake (R-AZ). This guy, so far, is absolutely outstanding. Interviewed on 60 Minutes and Bill Maher, he is the anti-"earmark" king and goes after the slime in both parties,i.e., everybody else..
Earmarks are the expenditures secretly hidden in a given, important bill to satisfy local needs of national politicians, like the Alaskan 'Bridge to Nowhere', the multi zillion dollar bridge connecting the town of WalrusTurds to neighboring Letsrubnoses, AK.
Once The MassPube Library, a sixteen story edifice in Boogers, WY (an important and necessary earmark attached to the Anti Terrorist Funding bill) is built, The MassPube stands heartily with Representative Flake.

MassPube Library, Boogers, WY, artists rendition
Keep an eye on Flake. Hopefully he won't turn into a two faced,well, flake.
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